Remote Debugging ASP.NET Development Server with SPI Port Forward

If you try to connect to the ASP.NET Development Server included in Visual Studio from another computer, you simply just can’t.

It’s a safety feature from the Visual Studio team, but also a big headache for many developers. If you want to test a PDA connecting to a web service on ASP.NET Development Server it is not even possible to run the test software locally on the same computer as the server.

After searching the web I found this question (and solution) on stackoverflow:

But since the answer on stackoverflow is linking to, downloading the SPI Port Forward program is another headache. After the download the file is well hidden in some temp folder far away. So I added a download here.

Download SPI Port Forward here

After starting the program. You enter the port number you want to remote connect to your local ASP.NET Development Server with in Local port. Enter localhost as Remote host. And enter the port that the ASP.NET Development Server is using as Remote port. Then Activate to enable the port forward.

Now you can connect to your local ASP.NET Development Server by connecting to: Where is your local computer (with server) IP. And 12345 is the port you entered in Local port.




One thought on “Remote Debugging ASP.NET Development Server with SPI Port Forward”

  1. Thank You very much for your advice. You have done a very good contribution for my project.

    Thanks Again !

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